Let VeriCor bring the Response-Friendly™ philosophy to your cache of supplies.
-We inventory all supplies
-We package supplies into mobile, durable cases with intuitive organization
-We label cases and provide you with a SmartBook™ operator's manual
-You store it and have it ready to respond
Just because you have boxes of medical assets, doesn't mean you are prepared.

We inventory your medical supplies.

We organize your medical supplies.

You respond quickly and accurately with your medical supplies.

We inventory your medical supplies.
we've seen it before & there is a solution...medical cache conversion.
got a mess?
Medical Cache Conversion
»VeriCor does the work...you reap the rewards
»Ensures that medical surge assets are protected, organized and mobile
»Eliminates cardboard boxes, expired supplies and inaccurate inventory
»Converts supplies into organized, manageable, sustainable systems
»Includes inventory assessment, professional system design and a SmartBook™
Click below for the basics of stockpile conversion.
Emergency Response Professionals!
making Response-Friendly™ the standard.