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Cool Cube™ Vaccine Transport Coolers

»No ice or electricity needed

  »Smaller vaccine coolers are lightweight and can be carried

    »Larger vaccine coolers have durable handles and wheels

      »Simple, quick, easy

        »Maintains vaccine at the required temperature range for up to 113 hours

Click the photos below for more information on Cool Cube™ model variations!

VeriCor's Cool Cube is Simple, Easy and Effective

Vaccine Coolers for Transport!

Spec Sheet Here →

Spec Sheet Here →

Spec Sheet Here →

Cool Cube™ Vaccine Transport Coolers are passively cooled, compact units that will maintain a consistent temperature range for an extended period of time. Six removable panels eliminate the need for ice or electricity and make conditioning (and pack-out) quicker and easier than anything on the market. Cool Cubes™ are the best thermal protection transport products available to maintain the vaccine cold chain!

Cool Cube™-50V Varicella Vaccine Transporter Cooler
Cool Cube™-50 Vaccine Transporter Cooler
Cool Cube Vaccine Transporter Components

Spec Sheet Here →

Spec Sheet Here →

making Response-Friendly™ the standard.

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