Alternate Care Site (ACS) Modules
»Provide a high standard of care for 25 beds over 96 hours
»Response-Friendly™: ready within one hour
»Multifunctional use
»Delivered on pallets or incorporated into a self-contained trailer
»Buy and integrate a full system incrementally
Click below for detailed Alternate Care Site (ACS) module descriptions!
Emergency Response Professionals!
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An Alternate Care Site (ACS) is a temporary medical system that provides low acuity care during a public health emergency. VeriCor’s ACS System is mobile and robust enough that it can be established near an emergency, or it can expand an existing medical facility in the event of a sudden patient surge.
This scalable system is built around a “25-bed for 96 hours” model. It is swift to mobilize and deploy, intuitively organized so staff can access vital equipment and supplies efficiently, and designed with the foresight to be rapidly demobilized at the end of the operation.
As with all of our systems, the VeriCor Alternate Care Site is designed specifically to fit the needs of your organization.

making Response-Friendly™ the standard.